This week saw the arrival of our specialist roofing contractor and the beginning of our shingle roof. The facade or our house is reminiscent of the Californian Bungalow style. This style coupled with our chosen attic roof form lends itself to a shingle roofing system. The problem here is that a slate roof is prohibitively expensive but the flattest concrete roof tile is too bulky and not the correct size or proportion to compliment the roof form. Our solution was to have an American style roofing shingle installed. This system uses glass fibre asphalt shingles and achieves the aesthetic we were after. This system of roofing is also incredibly strong and has a superior thermal performance in comparison to a metal or tile clad roof.
This type of roofing is used on over 80% of houses in North America but not even 1% here in Australia.
Scaffolding is now in place to tackle the steep roof at the front.
More scaffolding.
Another progress shot. Notice the front window has been installed.
This might slow us down a bit. There seems to be wet stuff falling from the sky....I'm sure there's a name for it but I just can't remember. Apparently this sort of thing has happened before.
Might not be much progress this week but who cares. Not going to complain about the rain.